We are able to undertake investigations on behalf of insurance companies, loss adjusters, loss assessors, solicitors and their clients as well as members of the public. Our fire experts can examine fire scenes and exhibits to determine the cause of the fire, to component level where necessary. We are instructed when insurance claims are made as the result of fire damage to buildings, vehicles and other property or there is a suggestion of product liability.
We can investigate a fire to help you and your client determine whether or not a claim is legitimate or if there is an appropriate counter-claim. An illegitimate claim could be, for example, the result of a deliberately set fire or policy contraventions. We will also identify if there is any third party responsibility and produce a report which complies with the Civil Procedure Rules and the Civil Justice Council: Guidance for the instruction of experts in civil claims 2014, to assist you in recovering any costs from them as applicable.
In order to assist you we are able to provide scene attendance at short notice, examination of electrical appliances and review of current evidence, as well as all of the other services we supply.
Case Example
Dhaka Tobacco Industries, Bangladesh
A $46 million loss of product and large scale damage to a warehouse.
Two forensic scientists from Prometheus Forensic Services were asked to visit Dhaka Tobacco Industries, Bangladesh to determine the cause and origin of the fire and provide fire prevention and control mechanism recommendations to prevent similar destruction from a potential future fire.
The fire burnt for three days and the tobacco blocks continued to smoulder at the time of the scientists’ examination.
The cause of the fire was determined to the satisfaction of the client enabling them to implement the recommendations put forward as a result of the investigation.