Half Day Fire Investigation Training

The Half Day Fire Investigation training course is aimed at investigators who have limited previous knowledge of fire investigation and possibly no practical experience of fire scenes. This course will provide an input to ensure that their knowledge is current and fit for purpose. It combines elementary theory, syndicate exercises and classroom based practical to enable the delegates to understand the fundamentals of fire investigation and the various roles at fire scenes.  This course will enable the delegates to use their new knowledge and skills to be more active in any fire investigations they are part of or as the basis to build knowledge by attending one of our other courses.

The topics covered by this course include:

  • Basic fire science
  • Smouldering/flaming fires
  • Methodological approach to fire scene examination
  • Ignitable liquids
  • Plan drawing; note taking
  • Sampling & packaging
  • Evidential value of laboratory submissions
  • Defence/Prosecution experts

If you are interested in attending this course then please contact us for details of forthcoming dates.

Praise for the half day fire investigation training course:

“A fantastic course which has given the staff a lot of confidence” Police Professional, Crime Scene Manager

“One of the best forensic presentations I have been to” Police Professional, Forensic Trainer